Canada’s $1.1-trillion debt is shockingly high – it threatens all that we value


House Member
Aug 13, 2022
And labour shortages...
Funny that. We imported a couple of million people in the last few years, yet we have a labour shortage?
I know that refugees are not permitted by the government to go find a job as soon as they get here, but how long do they have to wait? Maybe if the government wasn't hiring so many people for no good reason, other than to buy votes, there would be more people looking for real jobs?


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Funny that. We imported a couple of million people in the last few years, yet we have a labour shortage?
I know that refugees are not permitted by the government to go find a job as soon as they get here, but how long do they have to wait? Maybe if the government wasn't hiring so many people for no good reason, other than to buy votes, there would be more people looking for real jobs?
How many IT students know how to use a hammer and saw?

bob the dog

Council Member
Aug 14, 2020
The interest rate isn't high. Those of us in our 60s and older bought houses at over 16%. The artificially inflated cost of land, and the doubling in price of almost all building materials is the pat 3 years is causing the problem.
If you look at it 5% of $400,000 = 20,000 while 16% of $60,000 is $9600. Banks win every time. We have minimal new home construction in our area and last price I heard was $1200 / sq ft.

Dixie Cup

Senate Member
Sep 16, 2006
Our daughter is moving back to Regina this summer. She'll have a hefty chunk covered but still, it's an extra couple thousand a year gone. Thankfully it's still possible for a single person in their early 30s to buy a new home in Regina without struggling.

It's getting close to a bubble explosion for other cities. Oh boy will that ever be a big mess when it hits. It's coming, you gotta be pretty damn naive to think it isn't.

Commercial leases are going to jump which only feeds inflation when the consumer gets nailed to cover increases.
We should have a house up for sale (reasonable) in Regina soon. The executor hasn't put it up for sale yet but she'd get a good deal.