WE really need to get rid of this guy

Dixie Cup

Senate Member
Sep 16, 2006
Security threat against Trudeau all of Canada's concern

Author of the article:Joe Warmington
Published Jan 30, 2024 • Last updated 1 day ago • 4 minute read
It's not acceptable to see Prime Minister Justin Trudeau as vulnerable as he was on Monday when angry protesters descended on his vehicle.
Images taken from a video that showed protesters descending on Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s motorcade. (Meir Weinstein video)
It’s just not acceptable to see Prime Minister Justin Trudeau as vulnerable as he was on Monday when an angry mob of protesters descended on his vehicle.

It was a serious security incident caught on camera that once again raises concerns about the safety of Canada’s prime minister while illustrating a vitriolic mood among some Canadians.

While Trudeau was not hurt, video taken in Gatineau, Que., just across the river from Ottawa Monday night, not only shows angry protesters getting close to the country’s leader but that his RCMP-led protection detail was forced to quickly spirit him into a different car than intended and executed a faster-than-normal exit.

“Shame, shame, Trudeau, shame, shame, Trudeau,” the “free Palestine” protesters — calling for a ceasefire in the Israel/Gaza war — shouted. “Shame on you, shame on you.”

Trudeau originally looked in their direction but — after being prompted by his protection detail of about eight plain-clothes officers — was guided with a hand on his back not to his SUV but to a lead car that had a clearer path of escape.

About a dozen protesters, wearing kufiyahs and carrying posters, could be seen running along the street toward both cars. One of the protesters veered onto the street, but officers set up a blocking line to keep the person at bay while the car transporting Trudeau sped off.

Seconds later, the SUV — carrying security personnel — also left in haste to rude heckling that included the taunt, “you guys are cowards.”

While they did get the PM out of there safely, it was not a smooth exit, which raises questions about his safety.

The Prime Minister’s Office said, “we are unable to comment on matters related to the Prime Minister’s security.” The RCMP or Ottawa4Palestine, which organized the event, have yet to return requests for comment.

There does not appear to be any arrests, even though demonstrators were far more animated and presented a greater risk than journalist David Menzies, of Rebel News, ever did with Trudeau in 2021 or with Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland earlier this month. On both those occasions, he was physically detained by the RCMP.

But even though there were no detentions in Gatineau, it does not change concerns about the escalation of animosity toward Trudeau, who was at this location as a backup site for a planned memorial in honour of the seventh anniversary of the Quebec City mosque mass-shooting murders. A gathering was supposed to be at a Gatineau Islamic Centre but was moved at the last minute to this address.

Canadian Press also reported that the National Council of Canadian Muslims “abruptly cancelled a meeting Monday” with Trudeau because of his lack of action “to protect Palestinians” or display “tangible action” on Islamophobia.

“We no longer think it’s productive to speak with this prime minister,” chief executive Stephen Brown said in the CP story. “It has become clear that we seem to only get a sliver of policy reform when our lives, or our safety, is destroyed. Our government has failed to move on substantive hate-crime legislation” and to see “ease” on Israel’s war in Gaza.

Yet on Tuesday, Trudeau cabinet minister Ahmed Hussen posted on X “since the very beginning of the crisis, our position has always been, and continues to be, centred on the firm belief that more assistance is needed in Gaza—not less. Today, we’re stepping up our efforts with an additional $40M to help the most vulnerable Palestinian civilians” and “with this additional new funding, bringing our total to $100M, Canada is ranked among the top donors in the world.”

None of that has stopped the pressure protesters have put on Trudeau. They are organized and committed. On social media Monday, bulletins went out to protesters to muster at the location where Trudeau was diverted to in Gatineau.

It’s not the first time Trudeau has been greeted in a hostile manner.

Late last year, he was shouted down while visiting a mosque in Etobicoke, and earlier in 2023, protesters surrounded a restaurant he was in. In Hamilton in January 2023, he merely walked out of a restaurant through protesters and into a walkway that took him back to the hotel where he and his cabinet were staying. In the past, a protester has thrown gravel at him.

Mounties assigned to protect him have their hands full. But what happened in Gatineau appeared to have higher risk potential than past run-ins and a more animated police response.

“There is always a concern when the prime minister is at any risk,” said Meir Weinstein of Israel Now. “It’s something everybody should be focused on.”
Protest is fine, but any risk to the prime minister is unacceptable. These demonstrators were aggressive and angry.
If not for the efforts of the RCMP, Trudeau would have found himself right in the middle of a swarm of agitated protesters.
You reap what you sew. While I don't advocate for violence, in his own words Trudeau said something like ..I can understand why they're pissed" so all is forgiven. After all, they're not against the war, just against Israel so it makes things ok.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
You reap what you sew. While I don't advocate for violence, in his own words Trudeau said something like ..I can understand why they're pissed" so all is forgiven. After all, they're not against the war, just against Israel so it makes things ok.
Nothing wrong with understanding the other guy's motivations. Makes it easier to beat him.
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Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
Trudeau or his staffers' name-calling is unacceptable but tolerated

Author of the article:Joe Warmington
Published Feb 02, 2024 • Last updated 1 day ago • 4 minute read
A man in Ottawa named "Balcony Man" who has been exposed as a senior Liberal staffer.
A man in Ottawa named "Balcony Man" who has been exposed as a senior Liberal staffer.
One thing loud and clear in Canada in 2024 is that Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s people are allowed to be rude and demeaning to people the government doesn’t like — just as he is.

It’s as if they feel they are always right and those who don’t agree with them are scum.

Saying there is “no excuse” for what Ottawa residents faced from the trucker convoy, the Trudeau government is doubling down in supporting vulgar responses of residents including a senior Liberal staff member who was reportedly caught on video hurling normally below-the-belt obscenities.

“We f***ing hate you,” said an at-the-time unidentified man from a balcony in Ottawa during a verbal dispute with protesters in February 2022. “The hostages are getting their f***ing revenge. Watch yourself.”

The vulgarity got worse. At one point he can be heard calling a woman a “dumb f***ing c***” and a “stupid b****.”

Known as “Balcony Man,” the mysterious resident also gave two fingers to protesters. This video was so hot it made it to the Late Show with Stephen Colbert.

Two years later, veteran Ottawa reporter Glen McGregor broke the story claiming that the star of this viral video was a Liberal government insider: “The man is Matt MacDougall, now a senior policy adviser for parliamentary affairs in the office of Liberal Government House leader Steve MacKinnon,” McGregor wrote in the National Post. “At the time of the convoy, MacDougall worked for then House leader Mark Holland, who is now health minister.”

But when asked about this extreme behaviour, the government took the approach the real culprits were the truckers and not the locals pushing back on what they felt was an occupation of the capital.

The Sun reached out to MacDougall for comment but did not immediately receive a response.

While “we will not comment on personnel,” Mark Kennedy, director of communications for the Office of the Leader of the Government in the House of Commons, told the Toronto Sun, “two years ago, the residents of Ottawa were subjected to an illegal and disgraceful blockade of their streets” in which “thousands of people who lived downtown experienced unimaginable treatment by those who participated in the blockade.”

Added Kennedy: “Trucks in the convoy honked their horns at ear-piercing levels 24 hours a day for three weeks, making it virtually impossible for residents to sleep at night. The trucks that occupied the streets pumped out toxic diesel fumes, creating an unhealthy environment.”

As a fact check, the honking stopped in the first few days after a court injunction but the protest remained in place for three weeks until the government invoked the Emergencies Act — which, ironically, last week was ruled by a court to be unconstitutional.

Tamara Lich, still before the courts charged with mischief for being the alleged leader of the convoy, said after watching this video: “you never saw any of us behave like that.”

That is not how the Trudeau government saw it.

“Residents who ventured out into the streets had their safety imperiled, as they were met with aggressive and intimidating protesters who hurled insults at them,” said Kennedy. “We believe there is no excuse for what the people of Ottawa experienced in 2022. We supported those residents then, and we support them now.”

One thing you can say about the Liberals is they don’t throw their own people under the bus when their behaviour is questionable and questioned. It’s one of the benefits, perhaps, of having a PM who has called people racists, misogynist, anti-vaxxer mobs and flat-earthers.

I have said it before but I don’t think any of these people should be cancelled but stress that such tolerance has to go both ways for both liberals and conservatives. If the PM and his pals can scrape the bottom of the barrel with impunity, it’s time to let people like fired AM 640 morning man Mike Stafford and Coach’s Corner legend Don Cherry back on the air because what they said was not even close in terms of offensive.

This week there were criticisms lobbed toward Trudeau communications advisor Supriya Dwivedi who raised eyebrows with an X posting tirade which included her questioning her foes’ ability to satisfy women sexually that surely would not be overlooked if they were aimed toward her. However, sources close to this PM point to her final X post on the matter in which she accepted an apology from the man who originally tagged her in a tweet which, in essence, is their way of saying the matter is over.

This may also be case closed for the reported profane outburst by MacDougall who McGregor says used “81 F-bombs” in his tirade.

But as a Trudeau Liberal, he is permitted to.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
Ottawa declassifies more details from Rodal report on Nazi war criminals in Canada
Author of the article:Canadian Press
Canadian Press
Laura Osman
Published Feb 01, 2024 • 2 minute read

OTTAWA — The federal government has released previously classified details from a report that outlines the extent to which Canada provided a safe haven to former Nazis during the Cold War.

Ottawa faced renewed calls for greater transparency about the presence of war criminals in Canada after parliamentarians inadvertently gave two standing ovations last fall to a man who fought in a Nazi unit in the Second World War.

Yaroslav Hunka, who fought for the Waffen-SS Galicia Division, a voluntary unit created by the Nazis to help fight the Soviet Union, was welcomed to the House of Commons last fall to hear a speech by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy.

The report by researcher Alti Rodal, known as the Rodal report, was prepared as part of a Commission of Inquiry on War Criminals in Canada in 1985 and was intended to provide the commission with information on the historical policies and circumstances that led to the presence of Nazi war criminals in Canada.

It was initially released under the Access to Information Act in heavily censored form in 1987, and more details were made public last summer in response to a Freedom of Information request by B’nai Brith Canada.

The newly released and nearly complete version makes 15 previously classified pages public, the immigration minister’s director of communications, Aissa Diop, said in a statement Thursday.

“While additional information that is no longer sensitive due to the passage of time can now be released, some information still remains protected in accordance with the Access to Information Act and the Privacy Act,” Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada said in a news release Thursday.

There are no individuals identified in the newly released version of the document, but it does include information Canada received in confidence from foreign governments, details previously protected under solicitor client privilege, as well as information that would harm international affairs and the enforcement of Canadian laws, Diop said.

“Those who suffered under Nazi Germany and their descendants want transparency when it comes to this shameful chapter in our history,” Immigration Minister Marc Miller said in a statement Thursday.

Rodal’s report concludes that in the decade following the war, there was “ample opportunity” for war criminals and Nazi collaborators to enter Canada.

B’nai Brith Canada has advocated for the release of the full document since the 1980s, and filed several requests under Access to Information Laws in the past year, which the group says the government repeatedly denied.

“We welcome this almost complete disclosure of the Rodal Report,” David Matas, who represented the group during the commission, said in a statement Wednesday.

Though it has been 79 years since the Second World War and 37 years since Rodal’s work was completed, Matas said ongoing mass atrocities and efforts by perpetrators to seek haven in Canada lend contemporary relevance to the report.

“We cannot learn from the past unless we know the past. The almost complete disclosure of the Rodal Report is an important step in coming to grips with our past and applying its lessons for the present,” he said.
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Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
Everyone is warning Trudeau not to campaign against Trump
Former top diplomats for Trudeau and high level American conservatives warn against Trudeau's dangerous game.

Author of the article:Brian Lilley
Published Feb 04, 2024 • Last updated 10 hours ago • 3 minute read
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is campaigning against Trump instead of Poilievre but former diplomats for Trudeau, and top American conservatives say he needs to stop.

Two top diplomats under Justin Trudeau have warned the PM that campaigning against Donald Trump is a dumb idea. Meanwhile, a major American conservative commentator has told The Toronto Sun, beating up on Trump won’t work out for Canada if Trump wins re-election.

For months now, Trudeau and his Liberal Party have been campaigning against Donald Trump instead of Pierre Poilievre. They have made statements and made social media posts tying the two together and making Trump, and Poilievre, appear evil.

Trump currently leads by 2.1% in an average of polls, according to poll aggregator Real Clear Politics, and Biden has only had the lead in three polls released since the start of the year. Beyond that, Trump is currently leading in polling for battleground states such as Michigan, Ohio, Georgia, Wisconsin, Florida, and Nevada.

“Why would you run the risk?” David McNaughton said to the Toronto Star last week.

McNaughton was Trudeau’s Ontario campaign co-chair for the 2015 election, and served as Canada’s ambassador to the United States from 2016-19.

Campaigning against Trump when, given current polling, he could win, is extremely dangerous for Canada. The United States is our biggest trading partner, our friend, our ally and our protector militarily.

Trudeau and the Liberals are currently poking Trump in the eye when he could be the guy running the White House in less than a year.

“We need to be seen by the Americans as a trusted friend, ally, partner and, you know, right now, I don’t think that feeling is as strong as it has been,” McNaughton told the Star.

He isn’t alone in warning against the dangers of the current party the governing party is on. Louise Blais served as Canada’s consul general in the southeastern United States in the lead-up to the 2016 election that saw Trump voted in, and was later appointed by Trudeau as Canada’s ambassador to the United Nations.

In a column for the Globe and Mail, Blais took a less political tone than McNaughton, but was still critical of the Trudeau government’s approach in a very diplomatic way. She worried that the appointment of two cabinet ministers, Industry Minister Francois-Philippe Champagne and Economic Development Minister Mary Ng, to deal with the Americans, would be seen as panicking over Trump’s possible re-election.

“Canada’s relationship with the United States is an existential one. We are reliant on the U.S. for our economy and security. And internationally, like it or not, we derive most of our influence from how the U.S. treats us. It’s fundamental to how the rest of the world treats us,” she wrote.

In her column, Blais recounted how in 2016, Newt Gingrich, the former Georgia congressman and speaker of the House of Representatives, approached her about the Trump bashing coming out of Canada.

“Be very careful, because you are picking sides and that is badly seen,” Gingrich said.

Blais wisely believes that Canadian elected officials, who have to deal with whoever wins, shouldn’t be participants in the American election by choosing sides. Right now, for domestic reasons, Trudeau is picking sides.

Americans are noticing what Trudeau is doing and in a soon-to-be released weekend interview with the Sun, Glenn Beck, the American conservative talk radio host, new media pioneer and political commentator, said that Trudeau was putting Canada in a dangerous spot.

“Well, it’s not going to be a friendly relationship,” Beck said of what would happen if Trump wins and Trudeau is still prime minister. “Donald Trump tends to remember who his friends are.”

Trudeau is showing that he’s not only not friends with Trump, but not friends with America if they re-elect him. That may help Trudeau win some votes domestically, but it could have horrible repercussions on our economy.

While Trudeau has no problem cozying up to actual dictators, including Iran and China, he should shut up about Trump.

He can’t, though, because he’s desperate as his polling numbers fall further still. Some polls show about one-third of Canadians would vote for Trump if they could cast a ballot, meaning that Trump is more popular in Canada than Trudeau is.

Trudeau would rather put your job and economic livelihood at risk by attacking Trump so that he might have a chance at saving his own job. That should tell you all you need to know about Justin Trudeau.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
Trudeau invited veteran Nazi fighter Hunka to Zelenskyy reception: Reports
Author of the article:postmedia News
Published Feb 05, 2024 • Last updated 2 days ago • 2 minute read

Just in case celebrating in the House of Commons a man who served with a Nazi unit in the Second World War wasn’t enough, that same individual was also reportedly invited to a Toronto reception for Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s office confirmed as much on Monday, months after the topic of Yaroslav Hunka being recognized in the House of Commons first made headlines.

Hunka, a 98-year-old veteran and one-time member of the Waffen-SS Galicia Division, did not attend the reception.

According to reports, the Toronto reception was part of Zelenskyy’s official visit itinerary and happened at night, on the same day Zelenskyy addressed Parliament and Hunka was subsequently feted by then-House of Commons Speaker Anthony Rota and those present.

More than 1,000 people were reportedly invited to the Toronto event with the Ukrainian president, while hundreds were asked to attend on the recommendation of community groups.

“The individual in question’s name was submitted by the Ukrainian Canadian Congress. The individual did not attend,” said PMO spokesperson Mohammad Hussain in an emailed statement, according to CTV News.

A Globe and Mail report said that the invitation to the event at the Fort York Armoury was sent to Hunka via the Office of Protocol of Canada with the subject line saying, “Invitation from the Prime Minister of Canada — September 22, 2023.”

“The prime minister had no knowledge of this individual before the independent recognition by the former Speaker of the House of Commons,” Hussain said, according to CTV News.

“Knowing what is known now — the individual shouldn’t have been invited.”

Hunka was identified by Rota as a “war hero” and received two standing ovations in the chamber on Sept. 22, 2023, in which Zelenskyy also stood in celebration.

“No advance notice was provided to the Prime Minister’s Office, nor the Ukrainian delegation, about the invitation or the recognition,” the PMO said following the ugly blunder.

On Sept. 26, Rota announced his resignation as Speaker, effective Sept. 27.

The Liberals later tried to erase the mistaken celebration from the record of the House of Commons but the Tories were quick to block the motion.

Trudeau apologized for the “mistake” and its impacts on Parliament, the Ukrainian president, and Canadians, though he said at the time that Rota was “solely responsible.”

Conservative deputy leader Melissa Lantsman had harsh criticism for Trudeau on Monday.

“Justin Trudeau caught lying AGAIN. Instead of admitting that he and his office personally invited a Nazi to his reception with the Ukrainian President — he lied about it — for months,” the MP for Thornhill said in a post on X.

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
At this point what difference does it make ?
Well, there’s still more than 20 months to go until the agreed-upon NDP/Liberal non-coalition coalition Federal Election Date, & Justin Trudeau, if nothing else, is good at election campaigns.

With the sheer volume of stupidity, ethics scandals, etc…coming along, at least weekly, if not more often, fast and thick, that they all blur together, obscuring each other…& maybe that’s part of the plan?

Much like Trump, throwing faecal matter against the wall to see what sticks and what doesn’t…. Eventually something has got to go their way. Don’t count the Liberals out regardless of what they do until they are firmly put on the sidelines.

Seriously, the guy got elected the first time, and then somehow twice more even when most who didn’t realize it originally, discovered who he was and what he was about. Don’t count the Justinites out.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
Well, there’s still more than 20 months to go until the agreed-upon NDP/Liberal non-coalition coalition Federal Election Date, & Justin Trudeau, if nothing else, is good at election campaigns.

With the sheer volume of stupidity, ethics scandals, etc…coming along, at least weekly, if not more often, fast and thick, that they all blur together, obscuring each other…& maybe that’s part of the plan?

Much like Trump, throwing faecal matter against the wall to see what sticks and what doesn’t…. Eventually something has got to go their way. Don’t count the Liberals out regardless of what they do until they are firmly put on the sidelines.

Seriously, the guy got elected the first time, and then somehow twice more even when most who didn’t realize it originally, discovered who he was and what he was about. Don’t count the Justinites out.
I don’t my mother was a Liberal party executive who went to her grave positive that liberal policies were good for the country , unaware that the party was supporting abortion , marijauna legalization and gay marriage all issues she was totally opposed to .
My point being life long Liberal voters will vote liberal , and life long voters always vote .


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
Justice Minister curses out Poilievre, calls him 'f***ing tool'

Author of the article:Joe Warmington
Published Feb 06, 2024 • Last updated 1 day ago • 4 minute read

When Canada’s Minister of Justice and Attorney General calls the leader of the official Opposition a “f***ing tool” in the House of Commons, you know the days of the Trudeau government’s “sunny ways” are long gone.

These Liberals are so rude, crude and profane, they might make the ghost of Canada’s first prime minister, Sir John A. Macdonald, blush. To say those high up in Trudeau’s Liberal government, propped up by the NDP, have disdain for conservative-leaning Canadians or Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre is an understatement.

But when you have Arif Virani — the top lawman in the country — using profanity to demean the political leader, who polls say is leading the fight to become the next prime minister, for merely asking questions about Canada’s out-of-control car-theft crisis, you know the days of civility — something that the Trudeau media arm lament is missing from question period — are over.

Under pressure to do so — without acknowledging what it was he was referring to — Virani Tuesday in the House quickly and without emotion said “I withdraw my comments and apologize.” The associate speaker said the matter was now dealt with.

But CPC Deputy Leader Melissa Lantsman, who learned about the comments from a Toronto Sun tweet, told me “that was not an apology” in the truest sense. “The Liberals are so sanctimonious about decorum in the House, but then act like this.”
Trudeau’s friends in the media have been silent about this.

“Here’s Canada’s Justice Minister unable to handle a policy question without losing control of himself,” Lantsman posted to X, where a video of Virani’s comment also appeared. “The ‘we-should-all-do-better’ people are often the ones that can’t control themselves. But sure, let’s hear another lecture about decorum in Parliament.”

Certainly, Virani’s teammates seemed to be on his side — leaping to their feet Monday in a standing ovation as he hurled the profanity.

What is also interesting is Virani posted the exchange on his X account, too — but with his use of the words, “F***ing tool,” edited out. It’s like it’s being scrubbed and didn’t happen at all.

Perhaps, the next lesson on how to act will come from Trudeau, who has called Canadians he doesn’t like names, including “anti-vaxxer mobs,” or “fringe” characters who don’t “believe in science” that are “lashing out with racist, misogynistic attacks.”

No matter what side of the floor it comes from, this kind of below-the-belt disrespect toward someone elected to critique a government is an attack on all Canadians who wants to see professionalism.

Virani, the MP for Parkdale-High Park since 2015, was not professional in this case.

Is this “scorched-earth” approach being done on purpose? It’s certainly happening a lot.

As reported in The Toronto Sun, there was the case of Trudeau communications advisor Supriya Dwivedi, who boasted she doesn’t have to be “professional,” for using vulgar language and derogatory imagery toward conservatives on social media. There’s also the case of a senior staffer, known as the “foul-mouthed Balcony Man,” Matt MacDougall, who was captured saying “we f***ing hate you” on video — and other off-limit for anybody-else-type profanities — during the trucker’s Freedom Convoy.

Now this. Call it a hat trick of hate. It would be a trifecta of trouble if any of those things were said by conservatives against women, minorities or Liberals. The rules, however, do not apply to everybody.

No one understands this more than Poilievre, who is on to what has the appearance of being an organized divide-and-conquer strategy designed to make leading-in-the-polls Conservatives seem like scum and people who should not be spoken to respectfully.

Much of the media seems far more on top of Canada’s opposition than they are of the actual government. Poilievre seems aware of it and has been swatting away the orchestrated media campaign which is designed to make him look bad.

There was the apple-eating incident in British Columbia in which the leader schooled a reporter. There are other examples, including a reporter admitting they were given a ridiculous question to ask Poilievre at a press conference.

There was the attempt to bait Poilievre by asking him about Alberta Premier Danielle Smith’s decision to strengthen rules around surgery and consent for trans kids.

He explained the Trudeau Liberals are trying to keep the debate “vague” and nonspecific as a way to box in conservatives. That said, Poilievre realizes it’s all just politics, and it’s understandable that Trudeau and his frustrated team are trying to cling to power.

But with or without an insincere apology, calling the loyal-to-Canada Opposition leader a “f***ing tool” is still beneath the dignity of someone serving as the country’s top justice person.
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The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
You're gonna hate the next 12 years. May as walk to the border, throw your ID away and become Jose "Dirty" Sanchez the American. Do it. Do it now before Republicans make it impossible again.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
If Trudeau held himself to his own standard, he'd resign
But if Liberals didn't have double standards, they wouldn't have any standards at all.

Author of the article:Brian Lilley
Published Feb 06, 2024 • Last updated 1 day ago • 3 minute read

On Monday, after months of denying it, the proof came out that Justin Trudeau had also invited Yaroslav Hunka to an official government event. Hunka is the 98 year-old Ukrainian-Canadian who received a standing ovation when Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy was in Ottawa.

Of course, we later found out that Hunka had fought with a Nazi Waffen-SS unit, and House Speaker Anthony Rota lost his job over the incident.

“This was deeply embarrassing for the House and for Canada,” the prime minister said at the time.

Liberals cabinet ministers like Karina Gould and Melanie Joly lined up to call for Rota to resign after the incident.

“I can’t see, based on the conversations I have had, how he can continue to have the support of Liberal members of Parliament,” Gould said in calling for Rota to resign.

“What happened on Friday is completely unacceptable. It was an embarrassment to the House and Canadians,” said Trudeau’s foreign minister, Melanie Joly.

On Tuesday, after the publication of the letter from Trudeau’s office inviting Hunka to a Toronto event where he would have been present with the PM and Zelenskyy, Liberals struck a much different chord.

“Will he hold himself to the very same standard and admit that he’s not fit for office?” Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre asked during question period.

“The attacks that the leader of the Opposition is choosing to make against the Ukrainian Canadian Congress demonstrates the extent to which this Conservative Party no longer stands with Ukraine,” Trudeau said.

“Why are they abandoning Ukraine!”

Strange, the question was about Hunka and Trudeau’s invite. Trudeau claimed that the question was an attack on the Ukrainian Canadian Congress, the group which put forward Hunka’s name to be invited — a fact we only know because Trudeau’s office used the organization’s name in their statement when questioned by the media about the invite.

It was Trudeau and his team that threw the Congress under the bus.

Look, if Liberal MPs and cabinet ministers truly believed that one of their own, Anthony Rota, had to resign as speaker over what happened last September, then surely they must feel the same way about Trudeau. Or, at least, they would if they had any standards other than double standards.

The issue of Ukraine has turned from something taken seriously in Ottawa to something of a political stick to beat each other with. The Liberals are tanking in the polls and are desperate to use anything they can to gain back support, including claiming the Conservatives have abandoned Ukraine.

On Tuesday afternoon, Liberal MPs booed as the Conservatives, led by Poilievre, stood to vote against the Canada-Ukraine free trade deal. They didn’t vote against it because they oppose free trade — it was the Harper government that struck the deal. They oppose it because it will enshrine Canada’s carbon tax in an international treaty.

The Liberals have spent months pushing this claim about opposition to this bill, which passed anyway in a vote of 214-116.

Meanwhile, as the Liberals attack the Conservatives over this issue, they struggle to explain why the missile defence system they promised Ukraine a year ago still hasn’t been delivered or why 83,000 surplus rockets Ukraine asked for last November have yet to be shipped.

Trudeau seems to think that what Ukraine needs to fight Putin isn’t military equipment, but a trade agreement that is updated to talk about carbon pricing.

The reality is that it was Trudeau and his government that gave Russia the biggest PR win by inviting a former soldier of a Nazi unit into Canada’s Parliament with Zelenskyy present and then applauding him.

Now we know that, despite his claims otherwise, Trudeau and his office are guilty of the same sin as Rota. He deserves the same punishment.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
If Trudeau held himself to his own standard, he'd resign
But if Liberals didn't have double standards, they wouldn't have any standards at all.

Author of the article:Brian Lilley
Published Feb 06, 2024 • Last updated 1 day ago • 3 minute read

On Monday, after months of denying it, the proof came out that Justin Trudeau had also invited Yaroslav Hunka to an official government event. Hunka is the 98 year-old Ukrainian-Canadian who received a standing ovation when Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy was in Ottawa.

Of course, we later found out that Hunka had fought with a Nazi Waffen-SS unit, and House Speaker Anthony Rota lost his job over the incident.

“This was deeply embarrassing for the House and for Canada,” the prime minister said at the time.

Liberals cabinet ministers like Karina Gould and Melanie Joly lined up to call for Rota to resign after the incident.

“I can’t see, based on the conversations I have had, how he can continue to have the support of Liberal members of Parliament,” Gould said in calling for Rota to resign.

“What happened on Friday is completely unacceptable. It was an embarrassment to the House and Canadians,” said Trudeau’s foreign minister, Melanie Joly.

On Tuesday, after the publication of the letter from Trudeau’s office inviting Hunka to a Toronto event where he would have been present with the PM and Zelenskyy, Liberals struck a much different chord.

“Will he hold himself to the very same standard and admit that he’s not fit for office?” Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre asked during question period.

“The attacks that the leader of the Opposition is choosing to make against the Ukrainian Canadian Congress demonstrates the extent to which this Conservative Party no longer stands with Ukraine,” Trudeau said.

“Why are they abandoning Ukraine!”

Strange, the question was about Hunka and Trudeau’s invite. Trudeau claimed that the question was an attack on the Ukrainian Canadian Congress, the group which put forward Hunka’s name to be invited — a fact we only know because Trudeau’s office used the organization’s name in their statement when questioned by the media about the invite.

It was Trudeau and his team that threw the Congress under the bus.

Look, if Liberal MPs and cabinet ministers truly believed that one of their own, Anthony Rota, had to resign as speaker over what happened last September, then surely they must feel the same way about Trudeau. Or, at least, they would if they had any standards other than double standards.

The issue of Ukraine has turned from something taken seriously in Ottawa to something of a political stick to beat each other with. The Liberals are tanking in the polls and are desperate to use anything they can to gain back support, including claiming the Conservatives have abandoned Ukraine.

On Tuesday afternoon, Liberal MPs booed as the Conservatives, led by Poilievre, stood to vote against the Canada-Ukraine free trade deal. They didn’t vote against it because they oppose free trade — it was the Harper government that struck the deal. They oppose it because it will enshrine Canada’s carbon tax in an international treaty.

The Liberals have spent months pushing this claim about opposition to this bill, which passed anyway in a vote of 214-116.

Meanwhile, as the Liberals attack the Conservatives over this issue, they struggle to explain why the missile defence system they promised Ukraine a year ago still hasn’t been delivered or why 83,000 surplus rockets Ukraine asked for last November have yet to be shipped.

Trudeau seems to think that what Ukraine needs to fight Putin isn’t military equipment, but a trade agreement that is updated to talk about carbon pricing.

The reality is that it was Trudeau and his government that gave Russia the biggest PR win by inviting a former soldier of a Nazi unit into Canada’s Parliament with Zelenskyy present and then applauding him.

Now we know that, despite his claims otherwise, Trudeau and his office are guilty of the same sin as Rota. He deserves the same punishment.
He will never fall on his sword . That would entail admitting his mistake .


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
Montreal man faces charge for online post targeting prime minister
Author of the article:Canadian Press
Canadian Press
Published Feb 07, 2024 • 1 minute read
The RCMP say a Montreal man is facing one count of uttering threats for allegedly threatening to kill Prime Minister Justin Trudeau in an online post.
The RCMP say a Montreal man is facing one count of uttering threats for allegedly threatening to kill Prime Minister Justin Trudeau in an online post.
MONTREAL — The RCMP say a Montreal man is facing one count of uttering threats for allegedly threatening in an online post to kill Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.

The federal police force says Paul Clarissou, 30, is to appear today at the Montreal courthouse.

The charge comes after an investigation by the RCMP’s Integrated National Security Enforcement Team.

The unit investigated after the alleged comments were reported to them and charges were laid on Jan. 31.

Police say the post was made on the accused’s account on the X platform, formerly Twitter.

The RCMP say in a statement that they take seriously any threat that affects a person’s security, and anyone engaging in such activity could face criminal charges and a significant sentence.
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